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Kicking Opa.


Alec was in my office with me last Friday (20001006). He wanted to play with the "blue numbers" on my computer. (My work screens are set up with white letters on a blue background.) Rather than take a chance on letting him delete some data, I told him I needed to start another program. He didn't want to wait, so he kicked me in the face. I grabbed his leg and smacked his bare foot -- not gently, enough to smart, but not enough to get the OK Dept of Human Services involved or get Dina irate.

When Rusty came to pick him up and Alec was in Rusty's lap mauling Rusty, Melba asked Alec to tell Rusty what happened when he kicked me. Alec said, "Opa got mad." I said, "Yeah, and I smacked his foot." Rusty or Melba asked Alec, "Are you going to kick Opa again?" Alec said, "Soon." Not "Yes" or "No" with elaboration. "Soon."

We enjoyed his answer Friday, so Monday I asked Alec if he was going to kick me again. He said, after pausing, "Oh, yeah." Later in the day when he was riding in the car with Melba and me, she asked him the same question, "Alec, are you going to kick Opa again?" This time he said, "I'm going to kick Opa again . . . soon." Melba then said, "And what will Opa do?" Alec didn't answer, so she asked him "Will Opa spank you if you kick him?" This time Alec gave the right, but unexpected answer, "Kicking Opa's not really a good idea." That's Alec at two years ten and one half months old.

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MachiavelleanErle W Machiavellean