URLs are here. Pseudodictionary.com and its associates disclaim any and all responsibility for materials on other websites. Linked sites may contain obscene, offensive, profane, and rude materials. Links are for information only and are provided in good faith. We hint at a site's content; however, a site's content may have changed since we added it. Some links contain sexually explicit language and may contain other materials not suitable for minors. Persons likely to be offended by such materials are advised to use caution choosing which sites to link to. |
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Are all of the sites you link to OK for my children? No, some of the sites we link to are not for children. Visit here to learn more about protecting your children on the internet. Always supervise your children's access to the internet. You alone are responsible for assuring that your children do not visit "rude" sites. "V-chip software" is readily available, is inexpensive, and is easy to install and activate. Buy it and use it. |
Please notify us of any links that are not working. Click here to suggest a new link for us to add. If any of sites we link to contain graphic depictions of sex or extreme violence or environmentalists or other activists, send us an email. |
Quote of the Day Favorite Sites Raise your GPA with the Google Toolbar. Search from any page. Popup blocker. Fill out forms. Link to your blog. News at a click. . . . RagingSea's anti-Bush rages. Make no mistake about it -- I do not agree with this guy on almost anything. However, he sent me an email telling me about his new site and I responded telling him I would put up a link on my site. I figure all he's going to attract is the like-minded (or crazies), anyway. Egosurfing with Google |